When I was little, as an isolated kid, I was trying to figure out what a civilisation is.

The only answer that made sense to me was that a civilisation is a place that keeps the memory of what has happened before to all the people who lived in it. To remember what foods can be eaten, what mushrooms are poisonous, what hobbies you might enjoy, what feelings people have felt and how to make sense of them

We don’t have a collective autistic memory, no civilisation that remembers how things work for us.

So I wanted to make one.

Not the absolute basic things that NTs talk about and never seem to advance out of the stone age from.

Something that’s a modern civilisation. That’s had more thought put into it that surface level things. That has a memory of adults who have gone before. So we can one day look back at our ancestors for wisdom.

It’s why when you discover something that works for you or realise something about yourself, you must write it down and share.

We have too little autistic history.

Write your experiences and be part of what might help someone else someday.